
I deeply believe that I have been called to do the work I do. And that through the work I do, I have the amazing opportunity to glorify God.

Recently, I was able to preach a sermon entitled “Work to the Glory of God”. After listening back, I thought that this would be great to share with you. Whether you believe in God or not, I am confident you will find encouragement in what you are doing and maybe even clarity in things you desire to pursue.

Here are a few notes:

  1. The way God works
    • God works to create – Gen 1
    • God works to care by providing for his creation – Gen 2
    • God works to cultivate – Gen 2:15 (work it and keep it)
    • This means:
      • Work is God-given (this is part of why we were created).
      • Work is good
  2. The Gospel lens at work
  3. The way we work
    • As employees:
    • As employers:
      • You are no better or different (titles at work distort worth and value)
      • Fear should not be used to motivate (God-honoring character motivates)
      • Treat everyone the same.

As always, I appreciate your feedback so let me know what you think of this episode by emailing me at ryan@ryanjamesmiller.com

Direct links to podcast:
Spotify – http://bit.ly/spotify-exsellence
Apple – http://bit.ly/apple-exsellence
YouTube – Exsellence Mindset Channel

Connect with me:
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/rjmsalespro
Instagram – @rjmsalepro
Twitter @rjmsalespro
Web – https://ryanjamesmiller.com/

The post Work to the Glory of God first appeared on Ryan James Miller.

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