
I Don’t Need More Business


I hear it more often than I’d like. “I don’t need any more business” or, “I’m doing great and don’t need to add any more clients.” Are you kidding me?

There are many reasons why these statements are poor for any business professional but for sake of space, I will just include a few.

  • More business than you need creates a sense of success.
    • Without that “feeling”, you will fall into a sense of complacency that really isn’t good for any business professional.
  • More business stirs up a passion and drive.
    • When there is more on your plate than you are comfortable with, the need to dig in and get to work drives the good to be great.
  • More business keeps your competition from taking what you already have.
    • There is someone in your business that is more hungry than you. If you let up, even for just a minute, you are opening a floodgate you may never be able to close. And the larger they get, the harder it will be for you to keep the clients you currently have.
  • More business shows people you care.
    • A successful professional attracts others. They see how much you care about providing a great product or service, and it gets them to believe that what you are doing really does bring value.
  • More business is why you got into business.
    • It’s not about taking over the world or even becoming a billionare (well, not for all of us) but you work to be successful. While we have different measurements for success, more business allows us to achieve the goals we desire for our life.

If you have ever said that you don’t need business, I ask you to stop believing your own lie. And when you can’t stop believing it, refer those clients over to me. I will find someone that will be more than happy to take the business on themselves!

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