
Unlocking Greatness dives into the depths of personal and professional development, guiding Purpose-Driven Achievers on their journey to success. This podcast is dedicated to those who intertwine their faith, family, and professional aspirations, seeking to pursue their highest potential in all aspects of life.

Each episode of Unlocking Greatness features insightful conversations with industry leaders, influencers, and difference-makers who exemplify greatness in their fields. We explore their paths to success, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the faith and meaning that guides them. Our guests share not just their achievements, but also the wisdom they’ve gleaned in aligning their careers with the rest of their lives.

As your host, I bring my own experiences to the table, offering practical advice and strategies to help you navigate the complex balance of professional ambition, personal growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

Join us as we dive into powerful stories of resilience and purpose-driven achievement. Each episode is an opportunity to learn, grow, and take one step closer to unlocking your own greatness.

Unleash Your Potential, Live Your Faith, Achieve Greatness!

Alexandra Galviz is the OG of Authenticity, inspiring and educating people through corporate keynotes and workshops, enormous LinkedIn influence and coaching, and more. She is the co-creator of LinkedIn Live as well as a LinkedIn Learning Author. I was drawn to Alex when we co-presented at a LinkedIn event in LA back in 2018. Her...
Some people think that doing the right things boils down to willpower. “Force yourself to take on good habits and disciplines and you will.” What a load of garbage! Frankly, we need something a lot stronger than willpower. We need desire, the deep burning one that connects who we are to what we want most...
Joel Lalgee is a LinkedIn powerhouse, teaching recruiters how to create better content and generate inbound leads. What Joel has done better than near everyone else on LinkedIn is taking his online connections offline. When Joel and I connected on LinkedIn nearly two years ago, he quickly followed up to schedule a call. We chatted...
We often think that one of our biggest problems is that we play too many roles in life. I challenge that. One of our biggest problems is that we don’t prioritize the roles we play and therefore, do not assign the appropriate value to the ones that matter most to us. Episode 130 will help...
It doesn’t matter how much you fit the “socially desirable template” … you will begin to die inside if you refuse to deepen your identity and character…to truly know yourself. The sooner you know who you are, the sooner you will be experiencing the freedom to live the life you dream of. So, here are...
Danielle Grant is the Founder of Your Mindset Mentor, helping entrepreneurs step into their highest self, next level, and desired reality. Immediately after Danielle and I were introduced through LinkedIn, I knew we were meant to connect and have this conversation. She’s a powerhouse with a keen sense of self that she utilizes to help...
Shari Lueck is the Founder of Unfiltered & On Fire, as well as a Best Selling Author and Integrative Emotional Wellness Coach. Shari recently released an amazing book last year titled “My Skeletons Have Names” and that alone was intriguing enough to draw me into her story. Our conversation spanned so many topics, but maybe...
Living a life of authenticity presents many potential challenges. One such challenge for some people is that sharing the things they believe could cause them to lose a job, lose a client, lose a friend, or even lose a family relationship, aka, being canceled. I was asked a question in this context on a webinar...
Brian Schulman is the Founder & CEO of Voice Your Vibe, a Forbes Featured Entrepreneur, as well as a Linkedin Top and Video Creator. More importantly, Brian is one of the kindest and most positive human beings you will ever know. I had the pleasure of meeting Brian for the first time back in 2017...
Living a life of freedom requires you to strip away everything in your way as you build the life you were created to live. In this episode, I share the 9 Pillars that I help my One to One Clients and Foundations to Freedom Academy members build so they can live the life of freedom...

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