
Unlocking Greatness dives into the depths of personal and professional development, guiding Purpose-Driven Achievers on their journey to success. This podcast is dedicated to those who intertwine their faith, family, and professional aspirations, seeking to pursue their highest potential in all aspects of life.

Each episode of Unlocking Greatness features insightful conversations with industry leaders, influencers, and difference-makers who exemplify greatness in their fields. We explore their paths to success, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the faith and meaning that guides them. Our guests share not just their achievements, but also the wisdom they’ve gleaned in aligning their careers with the rest of their lives.

As your host, I bring my own experiences to the table, offering practical advice and strategies to help you navigate the complex balance of professional ambition, personal growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

Join us as we dive into powerful stories of resilience and purpose-driven achievement. Each episode is an opportunity to learn, grow, and take one step closer to unlocking your own greatness.

Unleash Your Potential, Live Your Faith, Achieve Greatness!

We’ve long heard people say that talking about politics, religion, and other socially-charged issues were no-nos in business or even at the Thanksgiving dinner table. While I get the reasons why this is the case, I just don’t feel that’s the approach to take if we ever seek to reunite a deeply divided nation. What’s...
Eddie Williams is a former 5-year NFL veteran, a pastor and the creator of Ex Nihilo Health, a site for biblical wellness. Eddie and I get right into discussing the lack of control we really have and how today’s volatile culture demonstrates that so (unfortunately) well. This episode spanned so many topics, including leadership in...
I cannot believe I made it to 100! A simple idea in early 2018 has created some of the most amazing relationships, best conversations, happy moments, hard discussions, and lots in between. Episode 100 was a chance for me to share time with my beautiful wife Michelle and my good friend and business partner John...
Episode 99 is a solo one. And in it, I wanted to catch you up on where I am while sharing a few things I’ve been learning (which could help you too). One thing I have really learned is that making the most of the time we are in doesn’t require us to make big...
Chad Burleson is the owner of multiple The Camp Transformation Center franchises in Southern California. As you can expect, the first half of 2020 has presented many potential challenges for Chad, his team, and his fitness community. But as you will hear him say, we need to continue moving forward regardless of the circumstances around...
By mid-June 2020, the United States was being further and further divided over issues of race and health concerns. These two severe issues were compounded an already significant problem driven by division over politics (amongst other things). I decided it was time to use my platform to share my voice on these issues. This episode...
Robert Clark is an income protection specialist, providing Executive Disability Insurance to employer groups and high-comp business leaders. More importantly to me, Robert is a client and dear friend. He has the utmost integrity and is all about adding value to everyone he comes in contact with. Right out of the gate, we discuss the...
We all know referrals are an amazing way to create new business opportunities. And we hear many people say that they get “tons” of referrals. But are you really getting the referrals you deserve? In this episode of Authentic Conversations, from AC 12 Live, I share the exact referral strategy every business professional should adopt....
Jenn Kennedy believes that when your business is driven by impact, your income will grow as your impact does. I appreciate this statement so much because we often hear things like “put it out there and it will come back” and yet, Jenn’s statement is much more meaningful, and practical, than that. In this episode...
Welcome to Authentic Conversations hosted by Ryan James Miller, an awesome new look featuring more valuable content than ever before.  Authentic Conversations highlights the best, the most successful, and the most fulfilled business leaders and influencers. Those who have mastered the art of authenticity through self-reflection, self-awareness, and the constant pursuit of their best. As...

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