
Unlocking Greatness dives into the depths of personal and professional development, guiding Purpose-Driven Achievers on their journey to success. This podcast is dedicated to those who intertwine their faith, family, and professional aspirations, seeking to pursue their highest potential in all aspects of life.

Each episode of Unlocking Greatness features insightful conversations with industry leaders, influencers, and difference-makers who exemplify greatness in their fields. We explore their paths to success, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the faith and meaning that guides them. Our guests share not just their achievements, but also the wisdom they’ve gleaned in aligning their careers with the rest of their lives.

As your host, I bring my own experiences to the table, offering practical advice and strategies to help you navigate the complex balance of professional ambition, personal growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

Join us as we dive into powerful stories of resilience and purpose-driven achievement. Each episode is an opportunity to learn, grow, and take one step closer to unlocking your own greatness.

Unleash Your Potential, Live Your Faith, Achieve Greatness!

In the pursuit of exsellence, we often find ourselves feeling discontent with our current situation. But it shouldn’t be that way. I decided to take a stab at working through some very practicals tips to help people find joy, and be content, with the life they currently have as they pursue the life they want....
Many say that if you’re young, you have to spend eons to be successful. You have to lick the feet of great people to be successful yourself. Not Fabio Marrama. At just 28 years old, he has become a successful LinkedIn strategist brand builder, a marketing and relationship specialist in First Ontario Credit Union, and...
I was half-joking when I made the statement that this woman wears a lot of hats and likely runs her home better then you run your business. But once you give this episode a listen, you may think that statement isn’t too far from the truth. Julee Huy is a full-time mom and wife (not...
If you’re a health practitioner, take no chances when it comes to your patient’s health. Don’t fall into the trap of believing incorrect inferences and using archaic methodologies. Dr. Rhett Polka is the founder of TheOne80 system, a revolutionary, science-based evaluation and treatment method for physical therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and the like. A professional...
New Year. New Commitments to Fulfill. In this episode of Exsellence Mindset podcast, I am sharing how Bob Burg’s 5 Laws of Success have guided my life, well before I even read his book. I also talk about the role of how defining one’s value can help in fostering healthy relationships with different types of...
Meet Kody Fairfield, a CrossFit Coach at Resolution CrossFit and a student of Physical Therapy. He is also quite a thinker, which makes him an awesome person for those who want to hear deep, insightful thoughts on important issues and current events. In this podcast, Kody talks about a variety of topics such as obesity,...
According to Lyall Watson, dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression. Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience. Darren Wong is a member of The Kinjaz from NBC’s World of Dance and has been teaching, performing and choreographing in the Hip Hop community for...
On this episode of the Exsellence Mindset podcast, I am talking failure and what to do about it. As we accept the inevitability of failure, we need to: Make sure it doesn’t define you. Not allow it to discourage us. Keep making attempts. Enjoy this episode and as always, I look forward to your feedback....
I took to Instagram and asked my followers what questions they had related to achieving goals in business. It’s the end of the year and it’s time to start talking about goals right? Kind of. Now is the time to DO something about goals. If you are at all like me, talking about things (like goals)...
When people hear ‘motivation,’ they often think of classic incentives like bonuses, extra paid time off, and maybe the super-powered inspirational talk. In truth motivation is elusive, because it so often depends on the individual and what makes them tick at any given moment. And that’s why motivation sucks! In this episode, answer these main...

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